Sunday, July 17, 2011


submarine (2010) directed by richard ayoade.

i absolutely loved the quirkiness of submarine. the soundtrack, featuring songs by alex turner (lead singer of the arctic monkeys), the wardrobe, the quintessential british humour, the cinematography and literally every single aspect of submarine was just impeccable.
"you have to be able to observe life as if you were a camera all the time, constantly looking at light and the way that things are placed and the way people hold themselves. you need the ability to see something in someone or something that no one else really sees and be able to bring that to light. basically, you have to be an obsessive crazy person.”
- Ryan McGinley


berlin, germany by christian pitschl.

innsbruck, austria by kristine may.

aarhus, denmark by ida thue.

salzburg, austria by claire sandra.

paris, france by albina & kostya.

reykjavik, iceland by berta.

pigalle, france by m b.

cesky krumlov, czech republic by giwrgos livydikos.

edinburgh, scotland by jessica.

prague, czech republic by erik witsoe.

marburg, germany by hannah schmucker.

reine, norway by lara alegre.

shirakawa-go, japan by kiyo.

to be continued...
"i'm almost never serious, and i'm always too serious. too deep, too shallow. too sensitive, too cold hearted. i'm like a collection of paradoxes."
- Ferdinand von Schrubentaufft